Comfort Foods

This is a cookbook full of COMFORT FOODS-the kind that warm your heart. They make you happy, bring back memories, and make your heart sing. The recipes are fun, delicious, EASY, and really nutritious. It took 3 years, doing all the shopping and dreaming up the recipes. I cooked up a storm in my kitchen and shared almost 600 meals with friends and neighbors. I then published this easy to use cookbook in a pdf format. Everybody can readily access it on their laptop, IPAD, or smartphone.

This is a happy book – a really creative book with original unusual recipes that are easy and fun to prepare. Be inspired and reap abundant benefits. Achieve better health, longevity, better nutrition and more energy Imagine lessening your global carbon footprint as well as your water footprint.

You will be celebrating and helping to heal Mother Earth. Our planet is groaning from all the pollution and destruction against her. This book is a challenge to people all over the world to take the leap. It is be done through massive networking, and communication on a global level. Change happens by cooperation. problem solving, and sharing knowledge and expertise on a global stage. This is a purpose driven cookbook with a universal goal – one person at a time making a commitment to heal Mother Earth in a very practical and direct way.

Make a joyful life style change that will benefit everyone on the planet. We have the knowledge and the power. We have the incentive and the imagination to make powerful changes. This is loving action. It is purposeful, meaningful, effective, creative and imaginative.

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